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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  December 15, 2019 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> the trump impeachment advances. >> mr. chairman, pthere are 23 ayes and 17 nos. >> the house votes this week and then an election senate trial. >> they're impeaching me and there are no crimes. >> the president will be held accountable for his abuse of power and for his obstruction of congress. >> there is no chance the president is going to be removed from office. >> and boris johnson wins big. >> thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in me. >> is there a 2020 lesson?
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"inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. to our viewers in the united states and around the world, thank you for sharing your sunday. a lot to talk about this sunday, including a big democratic presidential debate thursday. one important question for the candidates is whether they see the conservative route in the uk elections as a warning that working class voters are not buying what liberals are selling. first a cross roads moment in american politics. the democratic house this week will vote on two articles of impeachment against the republican president. and every indication is that those articles will pass. president trump, of course, does not welcome to stain of impeachment, but he is confident he will not be convicted and removed by the senate, so his energy is aimed at preserving republican loyalty and at trying to turn a 2019 rebuke into a
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2020 rallying cry. >> i watched these democrats on the commit make fools out of themselves. absolute fools out of themselves. i think that the whole impeachment thing, hoax, i guess you could call it because it is a hoax, and nancy pelosi knows it, so it's a very sad thing for our country. but it seems to be very good for me politically. >> now, democrats say this is no hoax and they argue the case is overwhelming, that the president abused his power by pressuring u crepe to announce investigation into the bidens and he is obstructing congress by ignoring subpoenas for documents and witnesses central to the ukraine events. >> the president committed the highest crime against the constitution by abusing his office. >> come on, get real, be serious. we know exactly what happened here. 17 witnesses. it's uncontradicted.
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there's no rival story. we have an emergency to our national election going on right now. our oath to the constitution requires us to take this drastic, solemn and regrettable step, but it is necessary. >> with us this sunday to share their reporting and their insights, jeweulie davis with " new york times," michael bender with the wall street journal, manu raju and monica lopez. >> let's start with a viewers guide as to what to look for. we expect the house to vote on wednesday. the outcome not really in doubt. they have the votes to pass the articles of impeachment. there are 31 house democrats from districts carried by president trump, 31 who have to think once or twice about their own political future as they cast their vote. 16 democrats, we can show you on the screen, won in districts that the president carried by four points or more, so these are stronger pump districts. one of them you see in the bottom right, representative
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jeff drew. as we have this conversation this morning, manu, he is a democrat but he met with the president on sffriday, he's talking about switching parties and he's already announced he will vote no on both articles of impeachment. republicans are casting this as a show of courage by a democrat leaving his party because of this misguided impeachment. the facts really are he was probably about to lose the democratic prime and he's trying to find a way to personally survive. >> he's under water and he will have a difficult chance. a lot of this is personal political survival for jeff drew, who has been opposed to impeachment from the start and he was only one of two democrats to vote against moving forward with a formal impeachment proceedings when they had the procedural vote in the fall. so it was no surprise that he would take this position. but after he cast that vote, he got a significant amount of backlash from democrats in his district. he was in a difficult position. i'm told that he's been making
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phone calls to various members in the delegation. it sounds like he is going to switch. you're right, the president is going to cast this as a significant victory for him, but in reality this is all about one member's own political circle. >> and if we can put up the 16. there are 31 trump district democrats, 16 from districts the president carried somewhat comfortably, four points or more. the challenge is speaker pelosi has said she's not going to whip this vote. but she also understands the public relations effort the president will make now. jeff van drew. does it increase the pressure on the leadership and other democrats to prove that democrats are not running away from this, that a few democrats, a few democrats just like in the clinton days, are going to go against the party, but? >> honestly, pelosi was already counting on van drew was someone who was going to vote against impeachment. she expects a handful to vote against impeachment. so the count for democrats
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really isn't expected to change very much. also, i do think that it's worth noting that the democrats clearly expect the president to take any defections and run with them, whether or not we knew in advance, as both of you guys pointed out, we did know that he was going to be a no on these articles. but the president is going to try to make hay and use it as a distraction, he does not want to be an poichimpeached president. and anything he can do to shift the focus from himself to people who disagree with this decision, he is going to try to do. that doesn't make the decision any easier for the democrats. they have the articles in front of them and a really difficult political situation at home. >> once more to make the point, jeff van drew was already a no. we do know from our reporting over the weekend, our reporting is that the senator from iowa
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will note yes. max rose from new york, again, a very tough district for him, will vote yes. we expect most of these democrats will come around. to the point, you heard the president in the beginning. this is good for me politically. the president of the united states is about to be impeached. that will forever be in the top two or three paragraphs about his legacy, as it is for bill clinton. this is rare in history. i get you want to spin it as favorably as you can, but this has to sting a president. >> absolutely, and this is sort of the narrative we know about president trump is that he's more tactical than strategic. he is concerned about the larger legacy questions, but he spends most of his time reacting in moment to moment and day to day. and moment to moment and day to day is that van drew is a good talking point. this has been a messaging war for trump from the very beginning. we're going to have an impeachment vote on wednesday without having heard from any senior white house officials on the questions at hand and the
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president hasn't paid any political -- hasn't paid any -- hasn't taken any political hits for this. the numbers have stayed the same generally on impeachment and generally on his approval. what he's talking about this being good for him politically is the fundraising has shot up from the base. volunteer efforts for his campaign, from his base, have shot up. and he will keep that house republican caucus, which is, frankly, the base, intact through this vote. >> that helps, the gin up of the republican base, you see in the polling, it's keeping the republicans discipline. so the house will vote to impeach and it will move on to the senate. if you listen to the president's tweets, the supporters in the house, they say call in the whistle-blower and hunter biden. but a key trump ally in the senate, lindsay graham, says no. >> this thing will come to the senate and it will die quickly and i will do everything i can to make it die quickly.
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i don't want to call anybody, i don't need to hear from hunter biden, i don't need to hear from joe biden. we can deal with that outside of impeachment. i don't want to talk to pompeo, i don't want to talk to pence. i want to hear the house make their case based on the record they established in the house and i want to vote. >> it's a simple translation to this, republicans believe maybe they'll lose one or two senators. but there's no way the president is going to be convicted. why take the chance of bringing in witnesses, turning it into a circus, and maybe convincing if you look at the senators you have to watch on the republican side, maybe convincing martha mcsally who is up for re-election next year and cory gardner and susan collins who is up for re-election next year, or mitt romney, not loyal, alexander retiring. you turn this into a circus, you might lose my vote. >> and the vote not necessarily on a quitle, because i don't think we're expecting any of them to vote to convict the
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president. what the concern would be in calling forward the witnesses is the senators have to vote to bring forward these witnesses, and some of those could be difficult votes for some of the members if they have to decide whether or not to senate into a circus, bringing people like the whistle-blower and the like. and side with the president or side with trying to keep the process moving forward. they would rather avoid those votes, which is have lindsay graham and mitch mcconnell want this to -- >> and the president was invited to present a defense, and he declined to do so. you can read into that whatever you want at home. if he wanted to say this was perfect, he could have let them testify. if you go to the senate and the republicans say we want hunter biden, the democrats say give us mick mulvaney, the president may say he wants witnesses. the president really doesn't want witnesses, does he? >> well, he doesn't understand the process and i think that's part of what's been going on is we've seen privately mitch mcconnell try to explain what this process actually is and
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isn't. what it is not is a reality show where you can have surprise people come in and a bombshell revelation. this is not how these things work. and i also think that the president and his advisers who are trying to strategize on what this should look like have had to take into account now in the last several days, there are not the republican votes to do some of these things. and even if we could get them, it's not even necessarily a question of the substantive tough vote. it's the question of having to take vote after vote. we heard lindsay graham say i want to vote and get it out of there. they want a vote on convict or a quit. they don't want to be sitting there for days taking all of these tough decisions. >> and the president several days ago was tweeting i want witnesses. he has not been doing that. he appears to be listening for now. the president's defense, he calls democrats the party of hate and still insists his ukraine dealings were perfect. and as we go to break a little then and now on the politics of
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impeaching a president. >> my fear is that when a republican wins the white house, democrats will demand payback. >> some day there will be a democrat president and there will be a republican house and i suspect they're going to remember it. >> announcer: "inside politics" is brought to you by salonpas. try it for your pain. ievers t. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu. the best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps. it's not getting in my way.? i had enough!
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sometimes history repeats itself, and sometimes it most certainly does not. the last time the house impeached a president was 21 years ago. the articles of impeachment cleared the judiciary committee on the second friday in december. the president was contrite. >> what i want the american people to know, what i want the congress to know, is that i am profoundly sorry for all i have done wrong in words and deeds. i never should have misled the country, the congress, my friends or my family. quite simply, i gave into my shame. >> fast forward to the here and now, 2019. the articles of impeachment once again cleared the judiciary committee on the second friday in december. the president, anything but contrite. >> it's a scam. it's something that shouldn't be allowed, and it's a very bad
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thing for our country. and you're trivializing impeachment. my poll numbers, as you know, have gone through the roof. fundraising for the republican party has gone through the roof. we're setting records. nobody has ever seen anything like it. because the people are disgusted. the people are absolutely disgusted. >> you try when you have something that is so rare to compare it to the last time and there are some parallels into the clinton impeachment. i covered the white house in those days. but the facts in despite, the articles of impeachment are very different. it was personal conduct on clinton's part. yes, he lied to a grand jury, but it was about personal conduct. this is about the exercising of presidential power. the strategy is i'm sorry, don't impeach me. it's i'm perfect. >> what got trump into this whole mess in the first place was asking ukraine to help legitimize his 2016 election and to settle scores with political rivals. now he wants the senate to do
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the same thing. trump doesn't want to be acquitted, he wants to be vindicated. and i know that trump hasn't said anything lately about having witnesses in the senate trial, but i'm told behind-the-scenes that he wants both. he wants a short trial and witnesses. so i would not equate that sort of silence with acceptance right now until we see trump on television or on twitter talking about staying in line the same way that mcconnell did. >> he's not just doubling down. they're doing essentially the same thing they've been doing. rudy giuliani was just in ukraine in an effort to try to dig up dirt on the bidens and he returned and he was in the white house the day that the white house judiciary committee was moving to advance the articles of impeachment to the floor. and according to what he told the journal, trump called him about these very issues. >> let me read that as you go. when he returned to new york, this is in the wall street journal, when he returned to new york, the president called him as his plane was still taxiing
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down the run away. what did you get? more than you can imagine, mr. giuliani replied. he's putting his findings in a 20-page report. he's talking about writing reports for the last four years. so again take that with a grain of salt. but to that point, you have pictures of him arriving at the white house on the day the articles of impeachment are moving through the committee. this is the president trying to say i don't care, i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing. but it's a cynical effort to normalize it. everybody does this. everybody does not do this. >> trump and his administration have always tried to say the quiet things out loud and by doing that they think that somehow it normalizes it and makes it legal or okay. but it's the same with when he was out on the lawn saying china, will you also investigate the bidens, or will you also investigate my political rivals. and that's what happened, as manu said, with calling giuliani and saying what did you get after his trip to ukraine. >> the president's strategy has worked so far if the definition of success is keeping republicans in line. and you see that in the polling
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and the house republican count. we'll watch the senate, but pretty solid right now. bill clinton didn't have twitter. look at the president's average daily tweets. if you want to know the president is engaged in something you look at the internet and the far right of your screen. he is tweeting at a hyper level at this. retweeting last night, he re-tweet re-tweeted manu at 12:30 a.m.. one of the other big questions is when this goes to a senate trial, senators are the jury. mitch mcconnell, you can call him the foreman. he's the majority leader. he makes no bones about this. he met with the president's counsel last week and said everything i do is hand in hand. >> everything i do i'm coordinating with white house counsel. there will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this to the steextent th we can. we'll be working through this
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process hopefully in a fairly short period of time, in total coordination with the white house counsel's office and the people who are representing the president. >> there are some democrats and independent, angus king, whose caucus with the democrats are saying this is a conflict. it's supposed to be a fair and impartial juror. in the clinton impeachment days, the staff talked to the clinton people all the time. he says he didn't because he was, quote, pissed at clinton for lying to him. is this not unexpected? what he's doing, he's the most political guy in town. is it wrong? >> he's the majority leader and he has to run the trial. i think it stands to reason that he or his staff are going to have contact with the white house about how this is going to unfold. he'll also have contact with chuck schumer, but i think what's different is that my colleague talked with trent lott who was the republican leader during clinton's impeachment trial who said we all knew the
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outcome, we thought he was going to be acquitted, but we really wanted for it to look fair and look like a process that was worthy of the country and that, you know, people could come away from feeling like fairness had been done, impartial justice, as the oath that senators take is done. so we made a lot of efforts to make it look that way. mitch mcconnell is not making those efforts because i think his perspective seems to be everybody knows how this is going to turn out and this is political and i'm not going to spend my time trying to look like i'm above it all when everybody knows where i am and the president. >> he's on the ballot next year and he's trying to protect the republican majority. he is pushing back on the witness question. we will see how it ultimately resolves itself. up next, the 2020 presidential candidates debate and boris johnson is sure to be a hot topic. [ tires screech ] the big idaho potato truck is touring america telling folks about idaho potatoes. and i want it back.
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call today. comcast business. beyond fast. the leading 2020 democrats debate thursday night and there's a brash new wrinkle in the fight over whether a liberal or a moderate has the best chance against president trump. >> i want to congratulate boris
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johnson on a terrific victory. i think that might be a har bin jer of what's to come in our country. >> johnson and his conservative party won the uk elections in a route. >> i say thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in me, and we will work round the clock to repay your trust and to deliver on your priorities with a parliament that works for you. >> one obvious question across the atlantic is whether the defeat should be a lesson to democratic voters. joe biden certainly hopes so. look what happens when the labor party moves so far to the left the former vice president said at a fundraiser on thursday. michael bloomberg is not qualified for this week's debate, but he sees the torie wave as a wakeup call. >> i think it's a cawarning to e
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democratic party that you have to have somebody that can beat donald trump and that is not going to be easy. >> sometimes we overanalyze things, but there is a lesson to be learned, is it what bloomberg is biden say, that the labour party was too far to the left and working class is not buying it? >> it's a smart tactical move. biden is making the electability moderate his entire run. but as an oversimplification. there are things that boris johnson supports like health care that the conservative party supports in the uk that is actually far more liberal than -- >> paris climate a cords. >> 100% renewable energy that the republican party here would never support and that biden has even slightly to the right of boris johnson on issues like that. so that's something where it doesn't just cleanly translate. that said, we can expect biden to continue to push this ahead of the debate. >> and this divide already was the issue in the race, whether
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it's medicare for all or the clean new deal, free college. >> you can't really compare the two electorates, the british versus the american, but when you look at kind of the political strategy in boris johnson, he had a very simple message, get brexit done. he made that very clear. the labuor party's message was more confusing, and trump's message, keep america great, make america great again, he didn't provide any real specifics when he ran in 2016. there are really no specifics on how the president plans to govern when he's reelected. what is his agenda? there are democrats who have a bunch more detailed policy platforms, so how do they sell that message? >> it's a tough call, because sometimes we see our elections get nationalized. in the global economy, there have been times, even back to reagan and thatcher where u.s. and uk politics have sort of run in line, one tipping off the other. you had obama and david cameron.
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to your point, the conservative party, it's hard to call the point. but this divide was already out there. we head into this debate at a time when the votes are getting closer. elizabeth warren who owned the summer has sort of plateaued and maybe even dropped a little bit from the fall into the winter. listen to her here trying to stoke this again. she doesn't name names. this is about joe biden and pb purell boris johnson. pete buttigieg. >> we know that one candidate walked into a group wealthy donors to promise that nothing would fundamentally change if he's elected president. we know that people who raise a quarter of a million dollars for him, his, quote, national investors circle, and he offers them regular phone calls and special access. >> you don't do this unless you think you need to. she didn't name the names, but everybody knows exactly who she's talking about. she's getting more aggressive
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because she has plateaued. she's going to have to answer in the debate what is the lesson of boris johnson, are you too far to the left? will trump win 25, 30 states if you do this? but she also is trying to invigorate her campaign. >> elizabeth warren has been under attack from the president from day one. she's been faced pretty tough questions about her campaign throughout the race here. but this is the first time we're seeing her actually go at specific candidates here. and just to take a step back, sort of ask about what the -- whether the labor party was too far left. i think the broader question here for democrats is whether or not this sort of global conservatism has found a sweet spot with blue collar voters. the thatcher/reagan conservatism is gone and it's now focused globally on trade issues that appeals to blue collar workers in the uk and in the u.s.
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now, the question has always been for warren as to whether or not she can do that and maybe taking on some of these democrats more head on will start to answer some of those questions. >> the race has been getting less attention because of the drama in washington. but it will be interesting, the timing here. big debate, look at your calendar. our sunday trail mix is next, including a debate about the 2020 debate rules. mike bloomberg's never been afraid of tough fights,
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the ones that make a true difference in people's lives. and mike's won them, which is important right this minute, because if he could beat america's biggest gun lobby, helping pass background check laws and defeat nra backed politicians across this country, beat big coal, helping shut down hundreds of polluting plants and beat big tobacco, helping pass laws to save the next generation from addiction. all against big odds you can beat him. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we needed somebody to lean on ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> let's turn to some sunday trail mix. the secretary of state, mike pompeo, dropping a not so subtle hint about his political future. despite denials, pompeo is building a team to run for senate in kansas next year. he launched a twitter account complete with a background photo that looks a lot like kansas. senator cory booker will not be on stage at thursday aes democratic debate and he says that's a big problem. in a letter to the democratic national committee, booker,
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joined by eight other democratic candidates is urging changes to the doibt equal indication rules that he says have artificially narrowed the field and he says that has disproportionately affected the minority candidates. many of the candidates excluded are the ones who have helped make this year's primary field historically diverse. there's a chance this week's debate won't actually happen. there's a big labor dispute involving workers at the university and all seven candidates who have qualified say they will not participate if that means crossing a picket line. andrew yang is a person of color and he says he hopes the labor dispute is resolved so that he can take advantage of a less crowded stage. >> the debates have been a tremendous opportunity for us to continue to present our vision for the country. at each debate we've managed to have new ideas get out, even in the context of relatively limited speaking time. so if my math is correct, there will be 50% fewer candidates on the stage this time and my
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speaking time would be projected to rise by 50%, so it should be a really exciting night. >> if he doesn't get elected president, he can be secretary of math. it's interesting. i assume it's great leverage for the union to try to resolve this labor dispute. what about senator booker's complaints? the other candidates signed on. some of them privately like the smaller stage because they think it benefits them to have more time. >> privately, some other campaign operatives told politico that they really don't want the stage to go back to being larger, which would maybe require two nights. but booker and castro want the qualifications to change. they say only one of them, either polling or the number of donors, should be something that allows them to get on the stage, because again there's this argument that, look, candidates have been known to be doing poorly in december and then come back by february in iowa and so they should be able to still be speaking on the stage.
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>> we'll see how the debate goes this week and how this debate about the debates plays out. next year will be here before we know it. up next, paid family leave and a big trade deal, even as impeachment advances, the president cutting deals with the democrats.
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washington often sends mixed messages, but this past week was
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fear and a partisan divide in the impeachment hearings, and a guide over the new justice department wash dog report outlining lapses in the trump investigation. and there were bipartisan achievements and a defense budget that includes paid family leave for workers and the president's new space force. and an agreement on the president's top 2019 legislative priority, the revised trade deal between the united states, mexico and canada. count the president among the confused. in a tweet he said it was a great deal and good news the democrats were backing usmca. but at a campaign rally he suggested speaker pelosi came around only out of fear. >> you know why it's a huge deal and it plays down the impeachment, because they're embarrassed by the impeachment. the silver lining of impeachment and this witch hunt, that's the
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reason they approved usmca, so that's okay with me. >> now speaker pelosi did want moderate house democrats for whom impeachment is tough to have a policy achievement to tout back home. but the democrats also won several giant concessions with the white house. so many concessions there's grumbling now among republicans that the president gave away too much. i call it whiplash week. it is striking that at a time when the president is stoking his base on twitter, calling the democrats the party of hate, they're calling the president somebody who is unethical and should be removed from office and then, boom, progress on a bunch of things that have been stuck in the quicksand for a long time. >> a lot of it has to do with the end of the congressional calendar. but this was also a clear calculation by the democratic leadership of the house knowing full well that a lot of these moderates do have a tough vote to cast on impeachment, and wanted to run on usmca. they had been pushing behind the
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scenes to get the trade deal approved and pelosi strategically made the decision to announce the deal the same day they announced moving forward with articles of impeachment. and also interestingly, wednesday will be the impeachment vote, thursday will be the vote to approve the trade deal. that's what they're going to go home on. >> and as a reminder, we just talked about mitch mcconnell. just a reminder that mcconnell and pelosi, the top republican in the senate and the top democrat in congress, they care about protecting their majority. yes, mitch mcconnell wants a republican president, yes, nancy pelosi wants a democrat to win the next election. but she is going to do things on protecting her majority. so a lot of democrats are saying why give president trump a gift? he can go and say this usmca deal is going to help you. david axelrod, smart of speaker pelosi to deliver the trade deal just at a time when potus is
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trying to claim they're focused on impeachment. fan fifer who worked with david axelrod on the obama team has a different view. i've been semi retired, bt it seems like things to help trump win should not be on the to do list. >> if i can say that they're both correct. they each have a point. but i do think this was strategic by pelosi that not only does she want members to have something to go back and show their constituents, particularly the democrats in the more moderate districts, but she wants to take away the talking point that the president has used that all the democrats can do, all they've been focused on has been impeachment. instead, these are some of the big bipartisan things that they have been working on. and frankly, as manu said, were on the track to get done. they had to finish a spending deal. we haven't had a year where we don't have a big defense authorization bill in the end. but they cued them up such that the timing would be advantageous for members. and on the usmca, they did
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manage to ring a lot of concessions away from the administration on this. they negotiated to get probably what is the most progressive trade deal that they will have considered and that is something that i think pelosi thought would be worthwhile if they could pull it off. >> the interesting part is the grumbling is coming from republicans who say he gave away too much on usmca, who say where is the fiscal conservatism in family leave. there's also some grumbling about china. essentially they agreed to hit the pause button, but the china hard line has went around and the pushback here against the president's deal making which he believes help him is from republicans saying this is not conservative. >> and what is amazing about what pelosi negotiated is she has senator sherrod brown on her side who doesn't like trade deals and who appears to be supporting this one. and so if somehow republicans tank this, that could also be another boon for pelosi because
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it's like, the house is going to pass this out and this didn't happen because of the gop and the senate. >> this was always prasupposed be the political promise, that he was able to blur the lines and should have been able to reach out to democrats and middle of the road voters. and when it comes to the china deal, there were concessions on both sides. and as far as complaints from republicans, i think what a lot of people are going to take some satisfaction in is just sort of to call that a victory. a lot of republicans were going to trump trying to get him to knock some of this off on china and at least this for the time being will take care of them, and markets and some of the voters. >> ten days before christmas, we have a detant. i've got to put some money on the table that suggests it's not going to happen very long because 2020 is an election year. it's a wild week. those are the president's words and i agree. our reporters share from their
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notebooks, including a report that guarantees the justices a big role in the 2020 election. now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps. we're portuguese? i thought we were hungarian. can you tell me that story again? behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. this holiday, start the journey with a dna kit from ancestry.
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one last time around the "inside politics" table to share something in notebooks to get you ahead of the news around the cornerer. julie. >> it might have been easy to miss this supreme court decision that came on friday afternon that they are going to hear this case in the spring about whether president trump has to disclose his financial records. this is something he's gone to great lengths to keep hidden. the supreme court is now going to hear the case in the spring about whether he has to, in
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fact, release the records. and aside from the huge blockbuster nature of the substance of the ruling it is a big question of presidential power and accountability. the timing is extraordinary because unlike in the clinton impeachment scenario or nixon where there were big supreme court rulings before the impeachment and played a big role this is coming after or a few months after the president has been impeached and likely acquitted by the senate and right in the middle of the critical period of 2020 campaign. so it is interesting to see how that plays out. >> the justices love being involved in politics. that is why they go to work every day. michael. >> trump is heading to michigan next week for his 21st campaign rally of the year. 85th since he was elected president in 2016. but this is a little different. the circumstances around this one. laura trump, the president's daughter-in-law will be in the suburbs of detroit for a campaign event the day before. vice president mike pence is on a bus tour through the state
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that will end at the rally. now the campaign is worried about michigan. of the three key battle groubdss in the midwest, this is the one they think is the toughest to compete and this is the effort to expand the footprint of the rallies. they think they draw 10,000 to 20,000 people around the state and region and less noticed is local press that show up as well. so in order to leverage that, they think they could get as many as five days of local coverage from these campaign rallies which are essentially a 90-minute speech. >> all politics local. >> manu. >> among house democrats for the most coveted manager, presenting the prosecution case that the president needs to be removed from office during the january trial. one person knows who they will pick and i understand they are
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not disclosing what will happen and that is nancy pelosi who has controlled this every step of the way, this impeachment proceeding and her decision is unknown to the members and when exactly she'll announce is unknown. but we'll probably know by this week. this is a significant position, a high profile position. something that elevate the careers of some of the members. look at what happened during clinton time when some people who presented the republican case to the senate, what happened to them? look at judiciary committee lindsey graham as being one of them. one thing members don't lack as we know is ambition and they're making this case privately and several members have told me they went directly to nancy pelosi and made the case. we'll see what she decides to say. >> laura. >> all eyes are on california this week, in addition to the democratic debate, candidates will use time in the golden state to campaign because it is a big super tuesday state. california moved the date up to have more sway in the democratic
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primary and sanders is there with alexandria ocasio-cortez and he has a real shot at winning this state to people's surprise but he has strong support among latinos and having star power with him doesn't hurt as well. >> our poll that came out this week, him and joe biden and the latino vote is interesting. we'll watch. california is going to be expensive. i'll close with this. yesterday was the seventh anniversary of the shooting that was supposed to change gun politics after 20 young children and six dults were gunned down at sandy hook in newtown, connecticut. but nothing major changed after sandy hook or including the las vegas massacre in october of 2017 and the parkland shooting in early 2018. president trump promised significant changes after both vegas and parkland but he bowed to nra pressure but proposed only restricting so-called bump
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stocks. his rallies include now that the warnings that the democrats are out to roll back the second amendment. it is true that the leading 2020 democrats tweeted on the sandy hook anniversary and now promise to make gun violence a major issue in the campaign so not much will happen in congress if anything between now and then but voters will have their say next november, six weeks before the eighth newtown anniversary. that is it for "inside politics" we're here at noon heeastern. and don't go anywhere. jake tapper is up next with rand paul, shareholder brown and will hurd. thanks again for joining us. have a great sunday.
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i look... ...and feel better. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. on the brink. all eyes are on the house as democrats are prepared to imeven the president for only the third time in american history. >> you're trivializing impeachment. >> how will the vote shape the president and his legacy? republican congressman will hurd will join me. and trial by design. republicans look to mount their defense of trump in the senate with leadership in lock-step with the president and his team. will there be a big show or a quick trial. >> this thing will come to the senate and it will die quickly. >> i'll speak to rand paul next. plus fighter in chief. as impeachment divided washington,


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